We are Local Partners in Global Missions
A Missions Agency
Facilitating the involvement and obedience of local churches to the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ
A Manpower Pool
Presenting a credible source of effective and efficient Filipino workers for global partnerships
A Clearing House
Facilitating the collection and distribution of financial support designated to the missionaries
A Care Group
Mobilizing intercessors and facilitating missionary care for the Southern Baptist missionaries
OSB History
How We Began, Where We're Going
The Asian Mobilization Forum (AMF)
March 2008
International Mission Board Missionaries Robert and Diana Clark, Lynne Hyde and Neal and Jana Seaborn organized the Asian Mobilization Forum on March 4-7, 2008. It was a gathering of Southern Baptist mission leaders from Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Myanmar, Singapore and Philippines.
Diana Clark recalls, “The purpose of the Asian Mobilization Forum was to encourage the existing mature “Southern” Baptist conventions of churches in Southeast Asia to grow in being a part of Christ’s Great Commission. It was a time to learn from one another and even other Baptist (non-Southern Baptist) models of going and sending. And, of course, the IMB hoped to help and cooperate as much as possible. The goal was to meet and learn from each other; and, by God’s grace, lead to a type of synergy that would spur one another on to good works. Some groups, like Indonesia, may have needed to get a vision for reaching people groups outside their national boundaries, while groups, like the Philippines, who had a vision, needed to grow in organization to train and support in a sustainable way.”
Unity of the Philippine Southern Baptists
March 2008
The AMF provided an avenue for the Philippine delegates to come together and share their one prayer, and common desire to have a one Philippine Southern Baptist sending body. It must be recalled that at that time, the Philippine WMU was the only national body of Southern Baptists in the Philippines, organized in 1990 and through its sending arm, the Philippine Global Missions (PGM) started sending missionaries in 1998 to Asia, beginning from India. Though meeting for the first time, yet because of their common passion, prayer and goal, discussions went smooth, productive and effective that resulted in a decisive resolution – to waste no time in working toward having one. So it was decided in the words of Boy Gauran, “to marry the Philippine Women’s Missionary Union (PWMU) and the conventions” on April 14, 2008, one day before the 7th Triennial Assembly of the PWMU. It was clear from the start that it was not a merging of the Conventions, but rather, a coming together to unite the Philippine Southern Baptists in praying for, sending and supporting SB missionaries, and providing them missionary care. Each mobilization group would continue its present work of mobilization for mission.
A Prayer Letter
March 2008
On behalf of the Philippine delegates to the AMF, Precy Caronongan on March 13, 2008 wrote to the PWMU Officers and PGM Board:
“For years, we have been praying and working towards having a one Philippine (Filipino) SB sending body. God is doing something concrete for its realization! At the recently concluded Asian Mobilization Forum (AMF) held at the IMB Office in Pasay City on March 4-7, mobilizers from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao were present. During the course of the Forum, we, the Philippine participants had one heartbeat – to come together for a one Philippine SB sending body. We agreed to meet with the leaders of the PWMU/PGM on April 14, at 2:00 P.M., a day before the PWMU Triennial to have a face-to-face discussion on the details of such a coming together. I hope and continue to pray that this significant development be accommodated by the PWMU/PGM leaders. I am aware that we may need to make some adjustments as to our travel to Mt. Carmel, but we just can’t let this opportunity slip away as this is what we have been praying for!”
The Birth of OSB
April 2008
This was not any man’s doing. It was and is very clear that this was and is God’s leading. Praise the Lord!
On April 14, 2008 the historic and significant meeting was held at Mt. Carmel in Bansalan, Kinuskusan, Davao del Sur. In attendance were twenty-one (21) missions mobilizers from the three Philippine SB Conventions and the PWMU. The direction was the formation of an international mission board, and all were agreeable to have a unified missions agency, with one board where all conventions and mission bodies will be represented. An interim working committee was appointed to work on nature, work and structure and proposals of this body.

Front Row: Patrick San, Lucy Mission, Myrna Crasco, Sonia Silbor, Esther Gape, Precy Caronongan, Jimmy Fundar and Jerry Vecino. Back Row: Neal Seaborn, Jonathan Navor, Chris Balaga. Virgie Gopiteo, Erlyn Santos, G.A., Jean Roldan, Lino Caronongan, Boy Gauran, Nina Cuevas, Joy Solina, Vic Beltran and Fil Babiera.
1st National Congress
September 2008
Subsequent meetings led to the registration of the One Sending Body with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 2, 2008. The first set of officers were installed by Baptist Federation on September 11, 2008 during the 1st National Missions Congress of the Luzon Convention held at the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio City.
2nd National Congress
June 2013
During the 2nd National Missions Congress in June 2013, Dr. Armand Canoy of the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary offered the “5-5-5” Member Care Package to OSB Missionaries where a missionary with 4 other companions can stay at PBTS free for 5 days with free breakfast for rest and debriefing as needed. In return, missionaries are invited to share during chapel hours or in the classrooms. Endorsement from OSB is
needed for missionaries to avail of the “5-5-5” Member Care Package.
A Joint Resolution
October 2015
When the Federation of the Conventions of Southern Baptist Churches in the Philippines was organized, its BOT and the BOT of the OSB met on October 6, 2015 at Mt. Carmel in Davao del Sur and signed a Joint Resolution appointing OSB to oversee its global missions purposes.
3rd National Congress
August 2016
The 3rd National Congress was held in CCT Tagaytay Retreat and Recreation Center in Tagaytay City, Philippines, on August 17-19, 2016.
Trainings and Seminars
To create missions awareness among our churches, the One Sending Body started conducting mobilization trainings and seminars in partnership with Student Volunteer Movement based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A one-day Great Commission Seminar presents:
1. A clear biblical grasp of our calling in the Great Commission
2. An understanding of the current status of the Great Commission globally
3. Effective tools to empower your local ministry to mobilize, equip and send to the unreached
4. Empowerment to become activated in the 6 roles in the Great Commission.
November 2018
A Covenant of Cooperation between OSB and the Southeast Asia Affinity of the International Mission Board, SBC was signed in Tagaytay City facilitating the sending of Filipino missionaries to serve alongside IMB missionaries where needed. This was followed by a consultation/training meeting with IMB in Antipolo, attended by representatives from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, Tribal, and Peninsula (Zamboanga) Conventions, PWMU, Nehemiah Teams, Compassion Mindanao Inc, University Baptist Church and International Baptist Church Manila. It was agreed by the Filipino participants in this consultation to designate every 2nd Sunday of December as OSB Sunday. Special offerings will be collected by the Southern Baptist churches all over the Philippines and given to the One Sending Body for its global missions fund.
4th National Congress
August 2019
The 4th National Congress for Global Missions was held in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines on August 16-19, 2019. The 212 delegates witnessed the signing of Covenant Agreement between the OSB and the International Mission Board (IMB) opening opportunities of working together in the field calling for such partnerships. It was a time of celebrating the first 10 years of OSB. It was a time for learning from the lecturers, testimonies, preaching and from each other’s informal sharing time. It was a time for praying and blessing the missionaries and their ministries. It was a time of establishing new partnerships in the ministry. And it was a time of publicly responding to God’s call.

Delegates from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, Peninsula, and Tribal Conventions, together with OSB missionaries who are serving in Japan, Hongkong, Middle East, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia and the USA.
In Asia and Beyond
To date, the Philippine Southern Baptists through the One Sending Body have 23 missionary units in the field, mostly in Asia with one in the Middle East and one in Canada. Eleven missionary units have returned for the moment or for good. With our recent partnership with the IMB, we hope to be able to send more to the regions in Asia and beyond.
The Asian Mobilization Forum (AMF)
March 2008
International Mission Board Missionaries Robert and Diana Clark, Lynne Hyde and Neal and Jana Seaborn organized the Asian Mobilization Forum on March 4-7, 2008. It was a gathering of Southern Baptist mission leaders from Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Myanmar, Singapore and Philippines.
Diana Clark recalls,
“The purpose of the Asian Mobilization Forum was to encourage the existing mature “Southern” Baptist conventions of churches in Southeast Asia to grow in being a part of Christ’s Great Commission. It was a time to learn from one another and even other Baptist (non-Southern Baptist) models of going and sending. And, of course, the IMB hoped to help and cooperate as much as possible. The goal was to meet and learn from each other; and, by God’s grace, lead to a type of synergy that would spur one another on to good works. Some groups, like Indonesia, may have needed to get a vision for reaching people groups outside their national boundaries, while groups, like the Philippines, who had a vision, needed to grow in organization to train and support in a sustainable way.”
Unity of the Philippine Southern Baptists
March 2008
The AMF provided an avenue for the Philippine delegates to come together and share their one prayer, and common desire to have a one Philippine Southern Baptist sending body. It must be recalled that at that time, the Philippine WMU was the only national body of Southern Baptists in the Philippines, organized in 1990 and through its sending arm, the Philippine Global Missions (PGM) started sending missionaries in 1998 to Asia, beginning from India. Though meeting for the first time, yet because of their common passion, prayer and goal, discussions went smooth, productive and effective that resulted in a decisive resolution – to waste no time in working toward having one. So it was decided in the words of Boy Gauran, “to marry the Philippine Women’s Missionary Union (PWMU) and the conventions” on April 14, 2008, one day before the 7th Triennial Assembly of the PWMU. It was clear from the start that it was not a merging of the Conventions, but rather, a coming together to unite the Philippine Southern Baptists in praying for, sending and supporting SB missionaries, and providing them missionary care. Each mobilization group would continue its present work of mobilization for mission.
A Prayer Letter
March 2008
On behalf of the Philippine delegates to the AMF, Precy Caronongan on March 13, 2008 wrote to the PWMU Officers and PGM Board:
“For years, we have been praying and working towards having a one Philippine (Filipino) SB sending body. God is doing something concrete for its realization! At the recently concluded Asian Mobilization Forum (AMF) held at the IMB Office in Pasay City on March 4-7, mobilizers from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao were present. During the course of the Forum, we, the Philippine participants had one heartbeat – to come together for a one Philippine SB sending body. We agreed to meet with the leaders of the PWMU/PGM on April 14, at 2:00 P.M., a day before the PWMU Triennial to have a face-to-face discussion on the details of such a coming together. I hope and continue to pray that this significant development be accommodated by the PWMU/PGM leaders. I am aware that we may need to make some adjustments as to our travel to Mt. Carmel, but we just can’t let this opportunity slip away as this is what we have been praying for!”
The Birth of OSB
April 2008
This was not any man’s doing. It was and is very clear that this was and is God’s leading. Praise the Lord!
On April 14, 2008 the historic and significant meeting was held at Mt. Carmel in Bansalan, Kinuskusan, Davao del Sur. In attendance were twenty-one (21) missions mobilizers from the three Philippine SB Conventions and the PWMU. The direction was the formation of an international mission board, and all were agreeable to have a unified missions agency, with one board where all conventions and mission bodies will be represented. An interim working committee was appointed to work on nature, work and structure and proposals of this body.

Front Row: Patrick San, Lucy Mission, Myrna Crasco, Sonia Silbor, Esther Gape, Precy Caronongan, Jimmy Fundar and Jerry Vecino. Back Row: Neal Seaborn, Jonathan Navor, Chris Balaga. Virgie Gopiteo, Erlyn Santos, G.A., Jean Roldan, Lino Caronongan, Boy Gauran, Nina Cuevas, Joy Solina, Vic Beltran and Fil Babiera.
1st National Congress
September 2008
Subsequent meetings led to the registration of the One Sending Body with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 2, 2008. The first set of officers were installed by Baptist Federation on September 11, 2008 during the 1st National Missions Congress of the Luzon Convention held at the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio City.
2nd National Congress
June 2013
During the 2nd National Missions Congress in June 2013, Dr. Armand Canoy of the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary offered the “5-5-5” Member Care Package to OSB Missionaries where a missionary with 4 other companions can stay at PBTS free for 5 days with free breakfast for rest and debriefing as needed. In return, missionaries are invited to share during chapel hours or in the classrooms. Endorsement from OSB is
needed for missionaries to avail of the “5-5-5” Member Care Package.
A Joint Resolution
October 2015
When the Federation of the Conventions of Southern Baptist Churches in the Philippines was organized, its BOT and the BOT of the OSB met on October 6, 2015 at Mt. Carmel in Davao del Sur and signed a Joint Resolution appointing OSB to oversee its global missions purposes.
3rd National Congress
August 2016
The 3rd National Congress was held in CCT Tagaytay Retreat and Recreation Center in Tagaytay City, Philippines, on August 17-19, 2016.
Trainings and Seminars
To create missions awareness among our churches, the One Sending Body started conducting mobilization trainings and seminars in partnership with Student Volunteer Movement based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A one-day Great Commission Seminar presents:
1. A clear biblical grasp of our calling in the Great Commission
2. An understanding of the current status of the Great Commission globally
3. Effective tools to empower your local ministry to mobilize, equip and send to the unreached
4. Empowerment to become activated in the 6 roles in the Great Commission.
November 2018
A Covenant of Cooperation between OSB and the Southeast Asia Affinity of the International Mission Board, SBC was signed in Tagaytay City facilitating the sending of Filipino missionaries to serve alongside IMB missionaries where needed. This was followed by a consultation/training meeting with IMB in Antipolo, attended by representatives from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, Tribal, and Peninsula (Zamboanga) Conventions, PWMU, Nehemiah Teams, Compassion Mindanao Inc, University Baptist Church and International Baptist Church Manila. It was agreed by the Filipino participants in this consultation to designate every 2nd Sunday of December as OSB Sunday. Special offerings will be collected by the Southern Baptist churches all over the Philippines and given to the One Sending Body for its global missions fund.
4th National Congress
August 2019
The 4th National Congress for Global Missions was held in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines on August 16-19, 2019. The 212 delegates witnessed the signing of Covenant Agreement between the OSB and the International Mission Board (IMB) opening opportunities of working together in the field calling for such partnerships. It was a time of celebrating the first 10 years of OSB. It was a time for learning from the lecturers, testimonies, preaching and from each other’s informal sharing time. It was a time for praying and blessing the missionaries and their ministries. It was a time of establishing new partnerships in the ministry. And it was a time of publicly responding to God’s call.

Delegates from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, Peninsula, and Tribal Conventions, together with OSB missionaries who are serving in Japan, Hongkong, Middle East, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia and the USA.
In Asia and Beyond
To date, the Philippine Southern Baptists through the One Sending Body have 23 missionary units in the field, mostly in Asia with one in the Middle East and one in Canada. Eleven missionary units have returned for the moment or for good. With our recent partnership with the IMB, we hope to be able to send more to the regions in Asia and beyond.